Medical Economics April 1, 2024
Jeffrey Bendix

New study finds uneven progress in making data exchange easier and more useful

Data exchange, or interoperability, among electronic health records (EHRs) is getting easier but still has a long way to go before primary care doctors are completely satisfied with it, a new study concludes.

Since EHR use began to spread about 15 years ago, one of doctors’ biggest complaints about them has been the near impossibility of sharing patient data between different EHR systems. Congress responded in 2016 by adopting the 21st Century Cures Act, which contained numerous provisions designed to facilitate interoperability and discourage data blocking.

Now that most of these provisions have taken effect, the study’s authors set out to determine if they are working. They...

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Topics: EMR / EHR, Health IT, HIE (Interoperability), Physician, Primary care, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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