Healthcare DIVE August 16, 2018
Meg Bryant

Dive Brief:

  • The internet of connected medical things (IoMT) market is expected to reach $158 billion by 2022, up from $41 billion last year, according to a new Deloitte report. The challenge for manufacturers is how to demonstrate to payers and providers that connected medical devices can benefit value-based care.
  • Deloitte surveyed 237 medtech leaders to learn how the IoMT is disrupting medtech’s role in healthcare. More than half (51%) of respondents said they are implementing new business models to drive innovation and sales.
  • Nearly one-third (31%) are deploying new funding models for data-as-a-service and 29% are adopting value-based pricing. In addition, 43% reported using real-world evidence to drive business decisions.

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Topics: Investments, IoT (Internet of Things), Market Research, Technology, Trends
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