Health Affairs September 1, 2024
Zoë T. M. Scheefhals, Jeroen N. Struijs, Albert Wong, Mattijs E. Numans, Zirui Song, Eline F. de Vries


Bundled payments are increasingly used globally to move health care delivery in a value-based direction. However, evidence remains scant in key clinical areas. We evaluated bundled payments for maternity care in the Netherlands during the period 2016–18. We used a quasi-experimental difference-in-differences design to measure the association between the bundled payment model and changes in key clinical and economic outcomes. Bundled payments were associated with an increase in outpatient, midwife-led births and a reduction in in-hospital, obstetrician-led births, along with changes in the use of labor inductions and planned...

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Topics: Bundled Payments, Patient / Consumer, Payment Models, Provider, Value Based
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