Health IT Analytics December 15, 2023
Editorial Staff

Mental healthcare needs to be better incorporated into maternal care and amplifying doulas may be the perfect way to start this shift.

As part of its overall mission to improve health equity, NewYork-Presbyterian is host to a program aimed at improving maternal mental health and, in particular, closing race-based disparities in maternal mental health.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in eight women experience postpartum depression, and only around half of them get access to treatment. This problem is more pervasive for people of color, with Black and Hispanic families being unable to access care or access healthcare coverage for care.

NYP’s Postpartum Doula Program seeks to change that by creating an interdisciplinary care team...

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Topics: CMS, Conferences / Podcast, Govt Agencies, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Trends
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