Healthcare IT Today April 16, 2021
John Lynn

As I participated virtually in the CHIME CIO Spring Forum, I asked a bunch of people to share their thoughts on the following question:

“What’s one thing healthcare CIOs should be thinking about right now and why? And what’s a practical step they can take?”

No surprise, I got a wide variety of answers which I think could be helpful for CIOs to consider in the context of their own organization. Here’s a roundup of the various responses I received:

CIOs Should Consider What Strategic Initiatives They Should Proactively Accelerate Coming Out of the Pandemic and Being Able to Compete with New Entrants

Ed Gaudet, CEO & Founder at Censinet, said, “CIOs must consider the learnings from the pandemic. We...

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Topics: Conferences / Podcast, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, Interview / Q&A, Provider, Technology, Trends
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