Healthcare IT News November 17, 2023
Andrea Fox

HHS is proposing expensive new disincentives to prevent information blocking. There are significant details to be aware of, especially around a list of enumerated exceptions – and HCOs must work quickly to understand them, data privacy experts say.

While comments on HHS’ proposed rules on information blocking disincentives for Medicare providers aren’t due until January 2, 2024, with no set data after that for publication of a final rule after that, “the federal government is moving more quickly than we tend to see with other laws,” said one expert this week – and substantial financial penalties could be in the offing sooner than many providers might think.

When it comes to info blocking, HHS takes it “very seriously; they understand...

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Topics: Conferences / Podcast, EMR / EHR, Govt Agencies, Health IT, HHS, HIE (Interoperability), Provider, Technology, Trends
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