NASHP April 1, 2019
Christina Cousart and Maureen Hensley-Quinn

Read a blog about state-based marketplace performance here and view slides comparing state-based and federally-facilitated marketplaces here.

* State-based marketplaces (SBMs) design their enrollment websites, control outreach and marketing, and manage the health plans offered through the marketplace. This data came from publicly available sources or directly from the marketplace. States with federally-facilitated marketplaces (FFM) rely on the federal government to operate all functions of their marketplace, including enrollment websites, outreach, and plan management. In some cases, state departments of insurance have varying levels of outreach or management of health plans offered through the marketplace. SBM-FPs use the federal platform or website but control their outreach and manage the health plans offered through their marketplaces. The enrollment platform (including the...

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