Forbes September 11, 2024
Joshua P. Cohen

The fiery presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was perhaps a spectacle. But as is historically often been the case when candidates for president square off, there weren’t many substantive policy discussions. Nevertheless, on healthcare Harris reiterated her positions on the Affordable Care Act, the Inflation Reduction Act and abortion, while Trump showed an unwillingness to commit to specific policies.

A May 2024 poll of voters by the Pew Research Center found that healthcare ranked as the third-highest issue priority for voters, behind inflation and the perceived need for more bipartisanship. Survey respondents cited rising healthcare costs, with 57% saying that the increasing expenses are a “very big problem” in the country today.

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Congress / White House, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Provider
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