Healthcare Economist May 2, 2024
Jason Shafrin

How does Medicare Advantage market share impact skilled nursing facility (SNF) profitability? That is the question asked by Marr and Shen (2024). Using data from Medicare SNF cost reports, data, and county MA penetration rates, the authors use an ordinary least squares regression with SNF and year fixed effects examining how MA penetration impacts SNF revenues, costs and profitability. Using this approach, they find that:

A 10 percentage point increase in county MA enrollment was associated with a $213,883.89 (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: −296,869.08, −130,898.71) decrease in revenue, a $132,456.19 (95% CI: −203,852.28, −61,060.10) decrease in expenses, and a 0.59 percentage point (95% CI: −0.97, −0.21) decrease in profit margin. A 10 percentage point increase in county MA...

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