Becker's Healthcare May 17, 2024
Jakob Emerson

Employer adoption of ICHRAs is up 29% since 2023, according to a May 16 report from the HRA Council.

ICHRAs, or individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements, allow employers to offer a defined tax-advantaged contribution used to reimburse premiums for an individual health plan purchased by an employee on their state’s ACA exchange.

Six key numbers:

1. ICHRA adoption grew 29% year over year between 2023 and 2024.

2. ICHRAs grew 84% among employers with 50 or more employees.

3. Among employers surveyed, 83% were not able to...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), Employer, Govt Agencies, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, States, Survey / Study, Trends
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