Health Populi August 26, 2024
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

“Voter registration in hospitals is the new frontier in health care.”

That’s the headline in a WBUR story last week detailing the efforts of health care professionals in “amplifying” their patients’ voices inside and outside of the hospital walls by advocating for their health citizenship — through voter registration and public health policy advocacy.

I’m a long-time evangelist for health citizenship and the role that a person’s engagement in the civic commons plays in one’s own health, the health of their communities and of the nation as a whole. I’m not alone in this mission: the American Medical Association cited support for Safe and Equitable Access to Voting as a social determinant of health in the organization’s 2022 health...

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Topics: Congress / White House, Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer
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