Becker's Healthcare July 17, 2024
Ali Morin, RN, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer at symplr

As a bedside nurse turned nursing informaticist, I see firsthand the toll that demanding workloads, long shifts, and lack of leadership support take on our amazing nurses. The American Nurses Foundation reports that over half of nurses experience burnout, forcing hospitals to rethink how they deliver care and support their frontline heroes. It’s about time.

Virtual nursing is emerging as a potential game-changer. It’s a technology-driven approach empowering nurses to deliver excellent patient care through consultations, health monitoring, and guidance via telehealth and other communication or monitoring tools. This hybrid model isn’t designed to replace bedside nurses (that’ll never happen!), it’s about empowering them to thrive.

Nurses want – and still want – to provide care


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Topics: Digital Health, Health System / Hospital, Nursing, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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