Commonwealth Fund May 21, 2024
Celli Horstman


To improve health outcomes, physicians are trying to do more to address drivers of health, like food and housing security, in clinical settings

Nearly two-thirds of primary care physicians screen patients for social needs, yet only a third screen for financial security — a key worry for many low-income Americans


Our health is affected by the complex social and economic conditions in which we live, even more so than the quality of health care or our access to clinical services. The drivers of health — among them food and housing security, access to utilities and transportation, and interpersonal safety — directly and indirectly influence our individual and collective well-being. Often, they reflect underlying structural inequities in our society:...

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Topics: CMS, Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Primary care, Provider, Survey / Study, Trends
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