HealthIT Answers April 29, 2024
Industry Expert

By John Blair, MD, CEO, MedAllies
LinkedIn: A. John Blair, III, MD
LinkedIn: MedAllies

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the American healthcare system began a long-overdue reckoning with the social and racial inequities that have traditionally plagued the nation and generated significant disparities in health outcomes.

Though not as urgent, the movement toward healthcare interoperability could use a similar push to reduce the inequities in interoperability that exist largely between medium-to-large suburban and urban hospitals (the “haves”) and their smaller, rural counterparts (the “have-nots”).

The story of the haves and have-nots of interoperability belies the real progress we’ve made across the nation towards this elusive goal of seamless healthcare data exchange. For example 62% of hospitals engaged in all four...

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Topics: ASTP/ONC, EMR / EHR, Equity/SDOH, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, HIE (Interoperability), Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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