Fierce Healthcare March 19, 2015
Zack Budryk

Accountable care organizations (ACOs) and similar models are a prime opportunity for states to bridge their population health and payment reform goals, according to the Milbank Memorial Fund’s new issue brief, which offers strategies to promote Medicaid ACOs.

Although policymakers understand that meaningful population health management must address socioeconomic factors, the brief states, reforms are not feasible under fee-for-service payment models.

However, the ACO model, which many states have already identified as a way to keep down costs within their Medicaid programs, offers numerous opportunities to address social health determinants, according to the brief. Medicaid ACO beneficiaries in particular will benefit from the model because they are more likely to have worse health outcomes and more complex socioeconomic needs.


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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), ACO (Accountable Care), Medicaid, Population Health Mgmt, Value Based
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