How Interoperability Requirements Impact Health IT System Development
HealthIT Answers July 19, 2024
By April Miller, Senior Writer,
Now that regulators have caught up with the digitalization age, they’ve prioritized regulating data collection, processing, storage and exchanges. However, several downsides to their intervention exist. Do changing interoperability requirements adversely affect information technology (IT) system development? If they do, are there any solutions?
The Issue With Health Care Interoperability Requirements
Many health care facilities have embraced digitalization. Over 60% of hospitals utilized electronic health record (EHR) systems to send, receive, query or summarize patient details in 2021 — a 51% increase from 2017, according to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology.
In today’s digital age, it wouldn’t be irrational to assume technological advancements have made most clinical data digitized,...