Chief Healthcare Executive October 5, 2023
Ron Southwick

Some hospitals and medical practices are using virtual care on a limited basis in some areas. Dan D’Orazio of Sage Growth Partners sees more potential.

Hospitals and health systems are missing major opportunities with telehealth, Dan D’Orazio says.

D’Orazio is CEO of Sage Growth Partners, a healthcare consulting firm. The company released a report on telehealth last week that suggests providers and hospitals aren’t taking full advantage of telehealth. About 20% of patient encounters are taking place virtually, D’Orazio says, but he sees potential for that number to grow.

D’Orazio says he sees “tremendous opportunity” with telehealth.

“My takeaway here is we have not arrived,” D’Orazio says. “Let’s not throw the flag up, mission accomplished. And let’s not think 20%...

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