December 19, 2018
AI Med

For junior clinicians at the start of their career the future is both bright and daunting. From taking the Hippocratic oath, the next generation of doctors will be swearing to use whichever technologies arm them with the greatest abilities to help their patients: blockchain, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and a wave of fourth industrial revolution technologies are set to change medicine forever. We’ve spoken to junior, forward-thinking clinicians who have told us how they are preparing for this transformation.

Martin Seneviratne – Masters in Biomedical Informatics at Stanford

Junior clinicians need to become experts at framing the question for AI to answer. Algorithms are increasingly becoming the commodity – the challenge is finding the...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, Health System / Hospital, Metaverse/VR, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Technology
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