Healthcare IT News November 29, 2023
Bill Siwicki

Between in-person or telehealth appointments, portals can offer information about self-care and healthy habits and be a vehicle for reporting patient health indicators, among other things, one expert says.

Some behavioral healthcare practices have begun advancing their patient portal and mobile app offerings.

Native telehealth integration was a rarity in patient portals not too long ago. But it has become more common since the COVID-19 pandemic – and this trend is likely to continue.

After telehealth appointments, patient portals can grant access to information about self-care and healthy habits between appointments, and also can be a vehicle for reporting patient health indicators over time. Patients with access to these materials may be more likely to fully engage with their treatment...

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Topics: Digital Health, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Interview / Q&A, Mental Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Telehealth, Trends
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