HFMA March 22, 2018
Laura Ramos Hegwer

You’re going to do what with that information? An information governance program can help healthcare leaders answer that question and more.

To some finance and clinical executives, information governance (IG) may come off as a somewhat academic concept that is better suited for the legal, health information management (HIM), and IT wonks in their organizations. Yet leaders across the enterprise have much to gain by optimizing information in the same way they strive to enhance patient safety or improve quality—with a systematic framework of policies and procedures that are continually reinforced and updated so they become part of the culture, says Robert Smallwood, IGP, managing director of the Institute for Information Governance.

The Benefits of IG

Enterprise-wide IG...

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Insurance, Payer, Provider
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