Medical Xpress December 1, 2024
Hilton Humphries, The Conversation

The number of new HIV infections has fallen over the years—it declined by 39% from 2010 to 2023. But HIV’s devastating impact on global health persists. In 2023, 1.3 million people acquired HIV—three times more than the 370,000 target set by UNAids. In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV incidence among young women aged 15–24 is decreasing—but they accounted for 27% of all new infections in 2023, and were three times more likely to acquire HIV than male counterparts.

There are a variety of effective, user-centered HIV options. They include oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEp, a daily pill that contains antiretroviral drugs), condoms, vaginal rings (which can be inserted and release drugs), and long-acting injectables.

These are critical in the fight against HIV,...

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