BankInfoSecurity August 5, 2022
Marianne Kolbasuk McGee

Advisories Recommend Entities Take Steps for Prevention and Mitigation

Federal authorities are urging healthcare sector entities to be proactive in addressing security risks posed by internet of things devices and by open web applications.

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center in an IoT advisory reminds medical entities about the risks posed by devices equipped with sensors, software and other technologies to connect and exchange data over the internet.

In addition, a separate threat brief about open web applications spotlights the Open Web Application Security Project’s Top 10 List of security risks involving those applications.

That brief comes on the heels of HHS HC3 last month issuing an advisory urging healthcare sector entities...

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Topics: Apps, Cybersecurity, Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HHS, IoT (Internet of Things), Provider, Technology
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