Healthcare DIVE November 19, 2024
Emily Olsen

The department hasn’t implemented some policies recommended by the watchdog, which could pose a risk sector cybersecurity as attacks increase, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Dive Brief:

  • The HHS has faced challenges mitigating cybersecurity risks in the healthcare sector, according to a report published Thursday by the Government Accountability Office.
  • The department hasn’t implemented policies previously recommended by the government watchdog, including tracking industry adoption of ransomware-specific cyber practices or assessing risks from internet of things or operational technology devices.
  • Until the HHS fills those gaps, the department could be unable to effectively lead the industry in cybersecurity — a potential risk for providers and patient care, according to the GAO.

Dive Insight:

Despite the HHS’...

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Topics: Cybersecurity, GAO, Govt Agencies, HHS, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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