Becker's Healthcare July 17, 2024
Kelly Gooch

Healthcare affordability has become a greater struggle for Americans, with the percentage of Americans who can afford and access prescription drugs and quality healthcare at 55%, a six-point decline since 2022.

The finding is from the West Health-Gallup Healthcare Affordability Index, released July 17, which is part of the West Health‑Gallup 2024 Survey on Aging in America, conducted by web and mail from Nov. 13, 2023, to Jan. 8, 2024, with 5,149 adults nationwide. The index was developed in 2021, and 55% represents the lowest percentage since West Health, a group of nonprofit organizations, and Gallup began tracking healthcare affordability.

Researchers primarily attribute the downturn to two groups: adults ages 50 to 64 and adults age 65 and older. They...

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