HealthLeaders Media February 18, 2021
Scott Mace

Expanding public-private partnerships, greater data interoperability, more robust supply chains, and streamlining regulations are among the suggestions.


– Real-time data collection, reporting and sharing, as well as data interoperability, play roles in averting future catastrophe.

– Fragile U.S. supply chains were a challenge, and stockpiles must be strengthened, both in quantity and through improved standards.

– Public-private collaborations, regulatory streamlining, and antitrust law waivers are also recommended steps.

A blue-ribbon panel of experts from all sectors of healthcare recommended a coordinated national response to the COVID-19 crisis, including making permanent certain measures adopted during the pandemic, including allowing providers to practice medicine where they are needed most, without burdensome concerns about state licensure.

The Healthcare Leadership Council (HLC)...

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Topics: Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, HIE (Interoperability), Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Regulations, Supply Chain, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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