Health Populi June 10, 2019
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

Social, mobile, analytics and the cloud now underpin the health care industry. We’ve been SMAC’ed, and Accenture’s Digital Health Tech Vision 2019 believes we’re in a post-digital era ripe with opportunity.

Five trends comprise the Vision:

  1. DARQ Power, the acronym for Distributed ledger technology, Artificial intelligence (AI), extended Reality, and Quantum computing. Adopting these applications can help health care reduce costs, drive labor efficiency and support people-centered design and experience.
  2. Get to Know Me is the use of technology to develop and deepen relationships with people. As an example of this trend, Accenture points to Mindstrong which leverages AI and machine learning to divine digital phenotypes of consumers-patients that inform mental health support. (For good background on the promise...

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Topics: Analytics, Cloud, Digital Health, Market Research, mHealth, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Trends
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