Healthcare DIVE December 4, 2023
Emily Olsen

The HHS’ Office of the Inspector General’s report tallied 707 criminal enforcement actions and 746 civil actions into fraud and misspent funds in programs like Medicare and Medicaid.

Dive Brief:

  • The HHS’ Office of the Inspector General is expected to recover more than $3.44 billion in fiscal year 2023 as a result of investigations into fraud and misspent funds in Medicare, Medicaid and other government health programs, according to the agency’s latest report.
  • The semiannual report tallied 707 criminal enforcement actions and 746 civil actions — including false claims, unjust-enrichment lawsuits and civil monetary penalty settlements — from Oct. 1, 2022 through Sept. 30, 2023. The OIG also banned more than 2,000 people and entities from participating in...

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