Behavioral Health Business June 12, 2024
Payers often prefer ambulatory, outpatient substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for its lower cost. Yet, SUD patients frequently present with higher acuity cases and more co-occurring conditions.
Gateway Foundation is preparing for both trends by making targeted investments in ambulatory and bedded programs while also battling increased pre-admission requirements from payers.
In some instances, these increased pre-admission requirements violate parity laws, Jeremy Klemanski, president and CEO of Gateway Foundation, told Behavioral Health Business.
Chicago-based Gateway provides SUD and mental health treatment in Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Texas, and Wyoming. The nonprofit treats more than 30,000 patients each year.
Klemanski will participate in a panel discussion entitled “What’s New: Service Line Diversification Strategies for the Next-Gen SUD Business”...