Keckley Report June 10, 2019
Paul Keckley

This past Tuesday, CVS Health President and CEO Larry Merlo hosted the company’s annual Investors Day. Highlights of the five presentations by company executives included its plans to aggressively expand its footprint in healthcare delivery. The aim: to be the “front door” to America’s health system.

The centerpiece of the company’s strategy is its HealthHUB concept it plans to implement in 1500 of its 9600 U.S. retail locations by 2021. In HealthHUB locations, 20% of the floor space is allocated to health and wellness. Services include primary and preventive care, nutrition, blood testing, diabetic screenings, health counseling and others. Products include prescription drugs, over-the-counter therapies, vitamins, supplements, wellness products and more. And in-home services, including virtual care, same-day prescription...

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Topics: Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Physician, Primary care, Provider, Retail care, Retailer, Trends
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