ICT&health January 10, 2022
Artur Olesch

COVID-19 has led to an unprecedented use of telemedicine and has triggered the implementation of novel solutions such as contact tracking apps and COVID-19 digital certificates. Evaluation of the accelerated digitization process leads to several interesting conclusions.

Before the pandemic, the policy framework for the utilization of digital tools served as the main brake on the healthcare digitization process. This technology had been available for several years but was waiting for more favorable conditions to grow. What was lacking was the favorable regulatory environment and an urgent need to change old habits – reveals a new report “State of Health in the EU,” published by the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.

“Going to the doctor” has been replaced...

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Topics: Digital Health, Govt Agencies, Health IT, Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Technology, Telehealth
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