Healthcare DIVE September 5, 2024
Emily Olsen

The study offers insight into which physicians and practices would be impacted by telehealth policy changes as a deadline for extending pandemic-era Medicare flexibilities looms.

Dive Brief:

  • Female physicians and doctors who work in nonrural practices deliver more care via telehealth, according to a study published this week in Health Affairs.
  • The research also found differences in virtual care utilization by specialty. For example, 23% of psychiatrists delivered all or nearly all of their visits through telehealth, compared with fewer than 1% for physicians in all other specialties.
  • The findings offer insight into long-term patterns of telehealth utilization in the U.S., and help show how virtual care might be affecting care access and outcomes, the study authors...

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Topics: Digital Health, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Telehealth, Trends
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