August 8, 2024

Telehealth has evolved from a niche service to a central element of healthcare, a shift accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This evolution reflects a broader move toward digital health solutions that fundamentally change patient care.

“We’re creating that on-demand experience for patients to get care through a more omnichannel lens,” Aniq Rahman, founder and CEO of Fabric, explained to PYMNTS in an interview. “We want to give great care virtually so people don’t have to leave their homes.”

Fabric’s care enablement system integrates virtual and in-person services through conversational AI and adaptive interviews. This system, designed by clinicians, enhances care quality, accelerates workflows up to tenfold, reduces call center volume by 15%, and improves appointment slot utilization.

The PYMNTS interview...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Digital Health, Technology, Telehealth, Trends
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