RevCycle Intelligence October 4, 2018
Jacqueline LaPointe

Virtual groups allow independent physicians and small practices to pool their resources to successfully participate in the Quality Payment Program and MIPS.

Virtual groups enable independent physicians and clinicians in small practices to participate in Medicare’s historic push to transition to value-based reimbursement: the Quality Payment Program.

The Quality Payment Program, or QPP, aims to shift the industry away from fragmented fee-for-service payments to a system that reimburses clinicians based on the value of the care they deliver. Through the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models, the program ties an eligible clinician’s Medicare reimbursement to care quality and cost performance.

However, like most value-based reimbursement models, the QPP creates challenges for independent physicians and small practices.


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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Insurance, MACRA, Medicare, Payment Models, Physician, Primary care, Provider
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