AXIOS April 18, 2024
Caitlin Owens

Declining confidence in major institutions is driving more people to trust their own ability to assess health information or turn to friends for guidance, indicates a new global Edelman Trust Barometer survey provided exclusively to Axios.

Why it matters: Lack of trust in public health agencies, nonprofits and the media is emerging as an enduring legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it has huge implications for how we respond to the next big disease threat or even manage our day-to-day health.

  • The growing rise of “health empowerment” is a double-edged sword — it can make people more engaged stewards of their own care, but it can also leave them vulnerable to rising health misinformation that’s become a major threat.
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Topics: Healthcare System, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Public Health / COVID, Survey / Study, Trends
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