Healthcare IT News August 5, 2024
Andrea Fox

Patients can now release all their electronic health data to apps of their choice through TEFCA’s record location services, and understand if the data exchange they authorize is protected under HIPAA.

The Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement directory has made it possible for consumers to clear the hurdle of joining data from multiple electronic health record sources. And now Epic is offering new functionalities that capitalize on that fact.

“We’ve opened up an API so that our customers can allow patients to connect with apps outside of the Epic system – like health coaches, exercise apps and more,” said Matt Doyle, Epic’s interoperability software development lead.

One patient, multiple data sources

Some consumers have been able to connect electronic...

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Topics: Apps, Digital Health, EMR / EHR, Health IT, Health System / Hospital, HIE (Interoperability), Provider, Technology
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