Modern Healthcare July 21, 2017
Merrill Goozner

Asked about his Bay of Pigs fiasco, President John F. Kennedy responded, “Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan.” The opposite is true for the latest iteration of the GOP healthcare bill, which would have eliminated insurance coverage for more than 20 million people.

Here are the eight major reasons why the effort to replace Obamacare has so far come up empty:

1. According to a Pew Research poll​ conducted earlier this year, 60% of Americans, including 52% of Republicans earning below $30,000 a year, believe the government is responsible for ensuring all Americans have health insurance. Just 38% say it is not the government’s responsibility.

2. The GOP leadership pursued an ideologically driven agenda to dramatically cut...

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), CMS, Health System / Hospital, Healthcare System, Medicaid, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Provider, Public Exchange
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