Medscape October 30, 2024
Alicia Ault

Last year, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported a 3% decline in the number of drug overdose deaths, the largest decrease in 5 years. Officials called the numbers “heartening” but stopped short of saying the decline was a sign of a larger trend.

But now, as drug overdose deaths have continued to drop through the first 5 months of 2024, public health officials may have reason to believe that the decrease in 2023 is more than just an anomaly.

Predicted provisional deaths from drug overdoses declined by 12.7% between May 2023 and May 2024, dropping to 98,820 from a record high of 111,029 in 2022.

“It’s reasonable to feel optimistic,” Lief Fenno, MD, PhD, chair of...

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