Healthcare Finance News March 18, 2024
Jeff Lagasse

This spending, which authors described as ‘unchecked,’ is due largely to non-claims payments, pharmaceutical costs and outpatient care.

Total Health Care Expenditures (THCE) in Massachusetts totaled $71.7 billion in 2022, and from 2021 to 2022, THCE per capita increased 5.8% to $10,264 per resident – far above the national rate of 4.1%, according to a new report from the Center for Health Information and Analysis.

This spending, which authors described as “unchecked,” is due largely to non-claims payments, pharmaceutical costs and outpatient care, and the effect is beginning to be felt by Massachusetts residents, they said.

Between 2020 and 2022, member cost-sharing, premiums, and claims covered by payers and employers increased faster than regional inflation and wages and salaries, numbers...

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