Medical Xpress September 18, 2024
Andrew Goodman, Georgina Chelberg and Ray Mahoney, The Conversation

Digital technologies are transforming health care for all Australians, and this includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Electronic health interventions (eHealth) can involve features such as telehealth, instant messaging and mobile apps that support health care.

But testing what kinds of eHealth work for Indigenous people—and what don’t—relies on good quality research. And so far there hasn’t been strong, overarching guidance on what culturally safe eHealth looks like for Indigenous people.

We reviewed 39 studies about eHealth interventions for Indigenous people. We wanted to identify what made eHealth interventions effective, beneficial and culturally safe for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities involved.

Here’s what we found.

Who does eHealth research benefit?

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are...

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Topics: Digital Health, Survey / Study, Technology, Trends
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