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Deloitte Report: Realizing the potential of telehealth

Deloitte August 17, 2016
Harry Greenspun, MD


Federal and state policy is evolving to support telehealth in value-based care models.

An aging population. Increasing chronic illness. Accelerating health costs. These are just a few factors forcing health systems to rethink patient care. Could telehealth be part of the...

Today's Sponsors

Got healthcare questions? Just ask Transcarent

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Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), ACO (Accountable Care), CMS, Employer, Health System / Hospital, MACRA, Medicare, mHealth, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Primary care, Provider, RCM (Revenue Cycle Mgmt), Self-insured, Telehealth, Value Based
Physician explains: Sleep and heart health
Hospitals, providers spent $25B on battles with claims, report finds
RFK Jr. targets childhood psychiatric drugs; doctors push back
Primary Care Scorecard: ‘More than enough money’ for good primary care
Most doctors fear insurers using AI to deny coverage

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RamaOnHealthcare - Advertise With Us

Deloitte Report: Realizing the potential of telehealth

Deloitte August 17, 2016
Harry Greenspun, MD


Federal and state policy is evolving to support telehealth in value-based care models.

An aging population. Increasing chronic illness. Accelerating health costs. These are just a few factors forcing health systems to rethink patient care. Could telehealth be part of...

Today's Sponsors

Got healthcare questions? Just ask Transcarent

Today's Sponsor


Topics: ACA (Affordable Care Act), ACO (Accountable Care), CMS, Employer, Health System / Hospital, MACRA, Medicare, mHealth, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Physician, Population Health Mgmt, Primary care, Provider, RCM (Revenue Cycle Mgmt), Self-insured, Telehealth, Value Based
Physician explains: Sleep and heart health
Hospitals, providers spent $25B on battles with claims, report finds
RFK Jr. targets childhood psychiatric drugs; doctors push back
Primary Care Scorecard: ‘More than enough money’ for good primary care
Most doctors fear insurers using AI to deny coverage

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