HIT Consultant November 5, 2024
Vince Coppola, President & CEO of PPL

Self-directed care remains one of the best-kept secrets in long-term care, and though it’s steadily growing, overall enrollment – and awareness – remains relatively low. From 2019 to 2023, the U.S. saw a 23% increase in people self-directing their long-term services and supports (LTSS). Yet, because many eligible individuals remain unaware of self-direction, vulnerable populations, including individuals with intellectual, developmental, and physical disabilities, chronic diseases, and adults over 65, are missing out on the care that best fits their needs. The lack of awareness has led to misperceptions about this model of care and its benefits. As stakeholders continue to advocate for patients to be informed and engaged in their care, combatting the myths around self-direction must be prioritized.


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