Medical Economics June 9, 2020
Marni Jameson Carey

Americans had their day in federal court last month, as hospital groups faced off against the U.S. Government. That’s right, hospitals are suing the same government that just handed them a $175 billion bailout.

The case (American Hospital Association et al v Azar) comes down to simply this: The ability for Americans to know the price of their health care before they get it, so they can shop for value, versus the hospitals’ desire to keep patients and prices in the dark, so they can continue to charge whatever they want.

I attended the remote hearing by phone to hear both sides of the argument.

What triggered the lawsuit was the President’s Executive Order for health-care price transparency,...

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Topics: CMS, Congress / White House, Employer, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Patient / Consumer, Pricing / Spending, Provider, Public Health / COVID
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