Health Populi February 20, 2019
Jane Sarasohn-Kahn

Across generations, from younger to older patients, cost, transparency and convenience drive consumer satisfaction, Accenture’s latest health consumer survey found.

I had the opportunity to brainstorm the study’s findings in real-time on the day of survey launch, 12 February, with Dr. Kaveh Safavi, Brian Kalis, and Jenn Francis at HIMSS19. Our starting point was the tipping-point statistic that over 50% of people in the U.S. have chosen to use a non-traditional health care setting. Those non-traditional sites of care include walk-in and retail clinics, outpatient surgery centers, virtual health (whether on the phone, on video or via mobile apps), on-demand services, and digital therapeutics.

We weren’t surprised to note that younger patients took advantage of retail clinics and other on-demand...

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Topics: Conferences / Podcast, Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Retail care, Technology, Telehealth, Trends, Urgent care
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