HIT Consultant November 1, 2022
Syed Hamza Sohail

What You Should Know:

– The popularity of telehealth remains strong – and even the top choice among consumers needing routine medical care, according to a recent survey of individuals who previously had at least one telehealth visit.

– Regardless of the type of virtual care, nearly all participants of the survey, sponsored by KeyCare, stated it was important that both their regular doctor and their telehealth provider had access to their health records for sharing critical data such as current medications or chronic health conditions – and 79% said this functionality was very important.

Expanding Horizons in Telehealth – Survey Reveals that Consumer Opinions Regarding Telehealth

KeyCare is an Epic-based virtual care platform designed to help forward-thinking health systems...

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Topics: Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Provider, Survey / Study, Technology, Telehealth, Trends
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