Medical Economics January 17, 2023
Paul Vigario

Customers expect their health care providers to have the same level of integration and connectedness as their favorite retailers.

Digital innovations such as the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and artificial intelligence (AI) have given the health care industry an entirely new set of value tools to attract and retain customers. Although information on this technology is readily available, only 44% of businesses plan to implement customer experience strategies in 2023. The other 50% of companies are missing out on an opportunity to grow.

Meanwhile, businesses that prioritize customer experience have a revenue increase of up to 80%, 4 to 8% higher than their competitors. This is because investing in customer experience (CX) strategies can improve customer satisfaction, raise employee...

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Topics: AI (Artificial Intelligence), Digital Health, IoT (Internet of Things), Patient / Consumer, Provider, Technology, Trends
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