HIMSS February 24, 2020
Anne Snowden, BScN, MSc, PhD, FAAN, Director, Clinical Research, HIMSS

Healthcare has seen significant change in the last decade, with the rapid emergence of technology empowering consumers and shifting expectations for how, when and where healthcare services should be delivered.

Traditionally, consumers are viewed as patients—the recipients of care, with clinicians as the experts: prescribing therapies and creating care pathways based on scientific evidence to provide care that is considered best practice. These healthcare delivery approaches inherently assume the clinician knows best and are based on the assumption that one size fits all. Today, consumers are demanding care that works best for them, placing significant demand for more personalized approaches to care delivery.

Although there has been progress toward patient-centered care and/or patient engagement, these efforts focus more heavily on...

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Topics: Analytics, Digital Health, Patient / Consumer, Population Health Mgmt, Provider, Technology
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