Roll Call February 21, 2020
Allyson Y. Schwartz

High support for Medicare Advantage defies otherwise polarizing times

The overwhelming support in Congress for Medicare Advantage offers us a lesson on the future of health care and where lawmakers can find common ground, Schwartz writes.

OPINION — “Divided new Congress is getting little accomplished,” reads an April 2019 article in the Los Angeles Times. Similar headlines appeared every so often during my decade in Congress too. It is a popular, if not always accurate, narrative.

The current divided Congress voted overwhelmingly to provide permanent funding to historically black colleges and universities, took action on the youth tobacco crisis, expanded funding for federally qualified health centers, enacted a bipartisan two-year spending deal and fully repealed the harmful health insurance tax...

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Topics: Congress / White House, Govt Agencies, Healthcare System, Insurance, Medicare Advantage, Patient / Consumer, Payer, Provider, Trends
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