Physicians Practice December 7, 2023
Renee Dowling

A look at changes coming January 1.

Q: We are a primary care office and need to make sure we know the changes to the telehealth services next year (2024) applicable to us.

A: Medicare has several important updates to telehealth services for 2024, and those that are most pertinent to primary care are included here.

New codes

These codes are being added to the list of Medicare telehealth services.

• CPT codes 0591T – 0593T for health and well-being coaching services (temporarily added)

• HCPCS code G0136 for Social Determinants of Health Risk Assessment (permanently added)

For code G0136, it’s important to remember that it must be provided in conjunction with a qualifying visit, (i.e., an E/M visit, some...

Today's Sponsors


Today's Sponsor


Topics: Digital Health, HIM (Health Inf Mgmt), Insurance, Medicare, Physician, Provider, Technology, Telehealth
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