Modern Healthcare June 29, 2018
Virgil Dickson

The CMS wants to launch an experiment that allows doctors in Medicare Advantage plans to qualify as participating in an alternative pay model.

To complFy with MACRA, clinicians have two tracks to choose from: MIPS, which requires clinicians to report and meet quality goals, and advanced alternative payment models, which require clinicians to take on financial risk as part of efforts to improve care and lower costs. If goals are met under an APM they’re eligible for bonuses.

Clinicians in Medicare Advantage plans have urged the CMS to consider those plans as APMs since some are offering risk-based contracts.

The White House’s Office of Management and Budget must approve any experiment. It is now collecting comments on documentation...

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Topics: CMS, Govt Agencies, Health System / Hospital, Insurance, MACRA, Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Payment Models, Physician, Primary care, Provider
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