CMS Seeking Recommendations for MIPS Specialty Measure Sets
HealthIT Answers January 5, 2022
CMS (@CMSGov) is accepting stakeholders’ recommendations regarding potential new specialty measure sets and/or revisions to existing specialty measure sets for the 2023 performance year of MIPS. Recommendations for new specialty sets or revisions to the 2022 specialty sets should be based on the established 2022 MIPS quality measures. Visit the Quality Payment Program (QPP) Resource Library to view the 2022 MIPS quality measure specifications. CMS specifically requests stakeholder feedback on applicable quality measures for the following specialty: Optometry.
In addition, specialty set recommendations may be accepted based on potential new MIPS quality measures that are being considered for implementation in the 2023 performance year. These potential MIPS quality measures can be found on the 2021 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.